ctrlz.js ( unbundled )
@plotdb/json0 modules
Github Repo
# ctrlz JSON Edit History Manager for Undo / Redo Functionality, powered by operational transform. Keep state and support undo for anything that can be expressed / stored by JSON! # Install include required js file: ``` ``` ## Usage ``` /* init directly in constructor */ mananger = new ctrlz({obj: obj}); /* or alternatively, reset anytime after initialized */ manager.reset({obj: obj}); /* when obj is updated */ manager.update(obj); /* if you have ot to apply: */ manager.apply({op: op}); /* undo, return a undo-ed object */ ret = manager.undo(); /* redo, return a redo-ed object */ ret = manager.redo(); /* clean history */ mananger.clear(); ``` ## License MIT.